Phone: (417)485-2579
How much does this cost?
The price is based on the number of players you have in your group and which room you are playing. Generally between $10 to $25 per person for 45 minutes to an hour. It will list the specific prices per player when you book a room.
Where are you located?
The Pressure Rooms are located in the So Go Airsoft store in Ozark, 10 minutes south of Springfield, off of Highway 65 next to the Tracker Plant. Click here to go to the directions page.
Does this involve Airsoft at all?
No. We're just in the same building and owned by the same people. There is nothing Airsoft related in the Pressure Room.
Do you do Corporate Team Building or Special Events like Birthday/Anniversary/Bachelorette Party?
Yes and Pressure Rooms are perfect places for these kinds of events. Special Events and corporate team building can be scheduled by calling 417-485-2579.
What time do we need to arrive?
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time. The game will start at the scheduled time.
What if my group is late?
In order keep other groups on schedule the game must start as close to the scheduled time as possible. We will try our best to wait for your group. But after a certain time the game will start. Depending on where your group is in the game will determine if a late player will be allowed to enter.
Is any special knowledge or skills needed?
No. The game will be fully explained before you start and someone will be with your group the entire time to answer questions.
Can I put a special message or item in one of the clues?
Yes we'd love to do that for you or someone special. Call us at 417-485-2579 to let us know what you have in mind. If you have an item or something physical(like a ring), you can drop it off before the game or slip it to an employee right before.
Can we play at a time that’s not listed in the schedule?
Please call 417-485-2579 for special arrangements. We will try our best to accommodate you.
Is this scary?
There is nothing scary in the rooms and you are not locked in a room. But these rooms may cause your adrenaline to rise which can make some people excitable.

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